Money and power, that’s what the 2020 Census count will determine for each of our communities. The Census count is currently underway, yet eastern Kentuckians have been slow to respond. Rachelle Seger from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, KY State Rep. Angie Hatton, and the US Census Bureau’s Michelle Elison talk about why it is so important to fill out those forms and be counted, especially those of us living in Central Appalachia.The data collected through the census determines funding for things like school lunches, educational programs, and improvements to roads and bridges. Census data is used to determine federal disaster relief, hospital funding, Medicare, Medicaid, and support for medical clinics like Mountain Comprehensive Health Corporation in eastern Kentucky. It is used for planning and preparation for natural disasters and epidemics such as COVID-19. The Census Bureau has delayed in-person outreach efforts making it more important than ever to self report. The 2020 census can be completed online at my2020census.gov, or by calling 844-330-2020, for Spanish call 844-468-2020. And of course you can fill out the paper form and return it post paid in the mail. It is not too late to be counted.